
Can you move to Dubai as a US Citizen?

Can you move to Dubai as a US Citizen?

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Can you move to Dubai as a US Citizen?

There is a large expat community in Dubai right now. Foreigners make up roughly 80% of Dubai’s population. Its rapidly developing economy, culture, and way of life have earned it the nickname “The City of Gold.” It’s no surprise that an increasing number of Americans are relocating to the United Arab Emirates, specifically to the metropolis of Dubai. To get started in Dubai, though, what do you need to bring with you from the United States?

How to Move to Dubai from the US

If you’re planning a move across the ocean to Dubai, you need get everything in order well in advance. In addition, you have the proper documentation. Additionally, timing your immigration and relocation to the UAE requires considerable preparation. You should try to schedule your move during a slower time of year (not the summer).

Apply for Your UAE Visa

To enter Dubai from the United States, you’ll need a visa from the United Arab Emirates (UAE). However, the application process is straightforward, and the UAE immigration website will tell you exactly what kind of visa you need. You must submit your visa application in person at the UAE Embassy in Washington, DC. The following items should be current and in your possession:

  • A valid passport that is valid for at least six months before to departure.
  • Validation of the source of funding.
  • A marriage certificate will serve as proof of sponsorship from a spouse who is a resident of Dubai.
  • Work-related relocation to Dubai necessitates a letter of invitation from your prospective employer in the United Arab Emirates. Also, this is a sponsor. In addition, your contract will determine how long your visa will be valid for.
  • Parental Consent Forms with Photos Authorizing the Use of Minors as Identifiers.

You must submit the appropriate documentation when applying for a visa to enter the United Arab Emirates. It’s possible that your visa will be processed in as little as three business days. Work and residency visas are the most often requested types in the United Arab Emirates. You do not need a visa to enter the United Arab Emirates if your stay will be less than 30 days.

Accommodation in Dubai

You are aware that knowing where you will be living is crucial when relocating. What you might not realize is that Dubai is more concerned with the people you keep company with than the buildings in which they reside. One such regulation states that it is illegal to maintain a residence with a person of the opposing sex unless that person is a member of your immediate family or your spouse. Therefore, you should seriously consider marriage if you intend to share your life with your significant other.

Other UAE Laws You Must Know

While we’re on the topic of UAE legislation, there are a few things you should know about that may affect your daily life in Dubai as an American. It is also forbidden to show public displays of affection between members of different sexes, with the exception of married couples who may hold hands. Homosexuality is punishable by law, as is public intoxication. Also illegal are the use of profanity or disrespectful hand gestures, as well as the wearing of clothing deemed to be overly exposing.

In addition, it is against the law to drive under the influence or to take pictures of people without their consent. However, this practice has become universal.

Taking Medicines to UAE

Dubai, like with the rest of the world, is fighting the global drug problem. This is related to the kinds of prescription drugs you can bring with you from the United States to the United Arab Emirates. Therefore, it is crucial that you learn which medications are prohibited in the United Arab Emirates. To carry prescription medication into the UAE, you must first obtain permission from the Ministry of Health (MoH).

But you will go to jail if you have any illegal medications on you or in your luggage. You should probably get a prescription if you don’t already have one. Similarly, you might research what alternatives there are to the drugs available in the United States in Dubai. You need to have a conversation with your doctor and request a list of the chemicals in the medications you are now taking.

For medical care, visitors from other countries must sign up for a private insurance plan approved by the Dubai Health Authority (DHA). While citizens can rely on a healthcare insurance program backed by the state.

Average Salary in Dubai and Cost of Living

There may be many factors at play, but finding a better job is usually the driving force behind a big move. This is connected to living expenses as well. But let’s take a peek at the typical income in Dubai. The Dirham (AED) of the United Arab Emirates is the official currency in Dubai. In addition, as of July 2021, the median monthly pay is approximately 21,500 AED. About $5,853 in total.

Living costs in Dubai can be higher than in some other cities. When it comes to lodging, a one-bedroom apartment in downtown Dubai will set you back around 5,528 AED (around $1,505), while one located further from the heart of the city would cost you less, at 3,687 AED ($1,003).

Education in UAE

Public and private educational institutions coexist in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. at addition, international students have been welcome at public schools since 2001. Additionally, children in the UAE are required to attend public schools from the ages of 5 to 15 and UAE nationals do not have to pay tuition. The tuition ranges from roughly $3,463 to $17,449 for the various colleges. This amounts to about AED 13,723.

However, 90% of UAE’s educational institutions are private and thus more costly. Rolling administration is used by a number of different international schools. This allows parents to apply for their children to attend overseas schools at any point during the school year.

The school week runs from Sunday through Thursday (in sync with the work week), which is a little different from the norm. The school day and its hours are set by each institution. Furthermore, pupils who do not come from an Arab background are required to study the Arabic language until the age of 13/ninth grade.

Private and Public Transportation in Dubai

Dubai’s transportation options include both public and private options. It is unnecessary to worry about which side of the road to drive on if you are visiting from the United States. The right side of the road is used by motorists in Dubai as well. But the speed restrictions are pretty high, so that could be a problem. The typical maximum speed on highways is capped at 160 km/h (99 mph). The speed limit is occasionally lowered to 110 kph. In either case, it could take some drivers some time to adjust to the reduced speeds.

The public transit system in Dubai is also very active, with many buses and taxis constantly circulating the city. Taxi fare averages 2,44 AED ($0.66) per kilometer. The average price of a bus ticket is 5 AED ($1,36).

When it Comes to UAE Taxes

The absence of income tax in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) is a major selling point for Dubai, in addition to the city’s emphasis on the entrepreneurial way of life. The catch is that you can end yourself owing tax in the US whenever you return. If you are a tax resident of the United States but are working in Dubai (including through the rental of property), you must report your worldwide income to the IRS and pay all applicable taxes. To learn more, check with the U.S. Embassy or the Internal Revenue Service.

While inhabitants of Dubai do not have to pay income tax, they do pay Value Added Tax (VAT), sales tax, and fees for a small number of services (including utilities and government services).

Women’s Position in UAE

Culture shock is inevitable when relocating to a new nation. However, some persons may be more vulnerable to its effects than others. Women in Dubai, for instance, are expected to adhere to a strict dress code that mandates covering their shoulders, midriffs, and thighs. In addition, a woman needs a monthly salary of 10,000 AED ($2, 723) if she wants to support her family’s relocation to Dubai. Men, on the other hand, can expect a monthly minimum wage of around 4, 000 AED ($1, 089).

The Dubai Metro includes a special carriage for mothers and their children. Also, women-only lines exist in public buildings. There are special cabs for women, driven exclusively by women.

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